Our service package was designed to meet all of your company’s basic accounting needs. See everything that is included in your monthly fee:

– Accountant who will take care of the technical responsibility and service of your company

– Issuance of Monthly Tax Slips

– Payroll Calculation

– IRPJ – Corporate Income Tax

– Issuance of employee payslips

– Generation of Monthly Social Security Slips

– Completing and sending monthly social security statements (GFIP/GPS/CAGED)

– Issuer of Electronic Service Invoices – NFSe

– Import of invoices in batch (NFe)

– Generation of annual financial statements (Balance Sheet, Income Statement, etc.)

– Bookkeeping of Diary and Ledger Books

– Issuance of management reports through the system

– Bank statement/financial manager classification tool

– Monitoring of confirmation of payment of Simples Guides by RF

– Online service via Whatsapp, call and email

And you will also have access to our complete web system!

– Easy access and control (Web, IOS, Android)

– Issuance of Service Invoices

– Financial Control of Expenses

– Customer base

– Bank reconciliation

– Consultation and automatic download of Electronic Purchase Invoices


*Additional R$50.00 per employee registered with CLT

*Contractual Change of Tax Address R$ 199.90 + Commercial Board fees (it is extremely necessary to have the e-CPF)

*Our billing model has no minimum loyalty or cancellation fee and, therefore, our payments are prepaid.

Facilite Contabilidades Online
Facilite Tecnologia

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